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Fall Pre-Season Training

Fall Pre-Season Training Registration Is Open!

The Registration "Fall Pre-Season Training" is not currently available.

About the Fall Pre-Season Training

About the Program: 

This program is designed for intermediate to advanced players and is open to:

  • 5th-8th graders aiming to train for the 2024-2025 Club season and prepare for Club Tryouts.
  • High school players who are not participating in their high school team.

If you are NOT interested in trying out for Club, we suggest checking out the Fall session of our AVL Program.

Training Focus: 

Each session emphasizes continuous skill development through drills and competitive game play in a fast-paced and fun learning environment. Players will learn the proper techniques for:

  • Serving, Passing, Setting, Attacking, Blocking, Digging


  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Sundays: 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Each week will concentrate on a specific skill, with each session covering key aspects and techniques related to that skill.

Registration Details:

  • Players can sign up for any day within the training program.
  • Automatic discounts are applied based on the number of sessions registered for.
  • It is recommended that players attend at least one session per week to cover all skills.
  • Attending multiple sessions per week provides more repetitions, varied drills, and increased competition.

Join us for a comprehensive training experience that will elevate your game and prepare you for the upcoming season!

Pricing Options

1-6 Sessions = $45.00/session

7+ sessions = 11% off or $40/session

14+ sessions = 22% off or $35/session

All 22 sessions =  33% off or $30/session

Discounts are automatically applied at checkout based on the number of camps you register for.

Schedule for the 2024 Fall Pre-Season Training

Skill Focus Tuesdays Thursdays Sundays
Week 1: Serving #1 Sep. 3 (6:00-8:30pm) #2 Sep. 5 (6:00-8:30pm) #3 Sep. 8 (4:00-6:30pm)
Week 2: Passing #4 Sep. 10 (6:00-8:30pm) #5 Sep. 12 (6:00-8:30pm) #6 Sep. 15 (4:00-6:30pm)
Week 3: Setting #7 Sep. 17 (6:00-8:30pm) #8 Sep. 19 (6:00-8:30pm) #9 Sep. 22 (4:00-6:30pm)
Week 4: Serve/ Pass #10 Sep. 24 (6:00-8:30pm) #11 Sep. 26 (6:00-8:30pm) NO PRACTICE
Week 5: Hitting #12 Oct. 1 (6:00-8:30pm) #13 Oct. 3 (6:00-8:30pm) #14 Oct. 6 (4:00-6:30pm)
Week 6: Blocking #15 Oct. 8 (6:00-8:30pm) #16 Oct. 10 (6:00-8:30pm) #17 Oct. 13 (4:00-6:30pm)
Week 7: Digging #18 Oct. 15 (6:00-8:30pm) #19 Oct. 17 (6:00-8:30pm) #20 Oct. 20 (4:00-6:30pm)
Week 8: Ball Control #21 Oct. 22 (6:00-8:30pm) #22 Oct. 24 (6:00-8:30pm) NO PRACTICE

The Registration "Fall Pre-Season Training" is not currently available.

Forgot Which Dates You Signed Up For?

In the form below, fill in your player's first and last name and their Date of Birth to view your completed registration!

2024 Fall Pre-Season Training Lookup

To look up the details of a completed 2024 Fall Pre-Season Training registration please type in all details exactly as they appear on the final registration.

Click to view all of your completed registrations.